Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I love this time of year. The holidays season is just beginning. Families sit around the dinner table together. Kids come home from college. Snow starts to fall. Oh, and I can't forget those Starbucks red cups (see previous blog).

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am so full of thanks. I know that I have much to be grateful for this year and I feel extremely blessed. Everything from family to my health to my ability to run...I give thanks everyday, but especially tomorrow. My son is coming home from college tonight and my heart is about to burst with joy as I anticipate his arrival! I love nothing more than knowing that our family will be together under one roof, safe and sound, even if just for a few days.

But, let's face it, holidays, as wonderful as they are, can be hectic and stressful! So, I like to remind myself of a few things as the holiday season begins. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring (and I'm not talking about how the turkey will turn out!). So, Hug your family. Tell those you love that you do. Live in the moment. Practice Gratitude. Make time for friends. Take a nap. Don't get too busy or stressed that you forget to stop and enjoy the little moments. Life is precious. Life is a gift. Unwrap it slowly everyday!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

"At all times and for everything, give thanks to God." Ephesians 5:20

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