Friday, October 14, 2011

Get Organized!

I love finding ways to make our life easier, more organized and keep small items from overrunning the house!! Recently in an issue of "Working Mother" magazine, I saw a picture of a really cool looking entry way.
So, I tore out the page and kept it in my purse, hoping to be able to recreate it somehow.

We do not have a large entry way and I have always longed for a mudroom, but I thought I could work with what we had, buy a few new items and hopefully transform our messy, unorganized entry into a sleek and useful one.

Here are the items I bought:
  • Bench with 3 shelves underneath, $49 at Fred Meyer
  • Fabric box for underneath, $12 at Fred Meyer
  • Write on wipe off board, $6 at Fred Meyer
  • Write on wipe off calendar, $6 at Fred Meyer
  • Hanging Wall Organizer, $12 ordered online from (includes shipping)
So, for well under $100, I was able to make a very positive, fun change to our house! I love having a calendar right in front of me when we walk out the door, to double check and make sure we aren't forgetting anything. I absolutely love the hanging wall organizer...not only is it cute...but, it is so handy! It has a couple pockets for magazines, coupon books, outgoing mail or library books. It has several photo pockets and it even has a spot to hang invitations or thank you notes.

I love it when I can pull off a home project and not spend a fortune in the process! Yay Me!! Being organized has never felt so good!
Am I a Mess? Not anymore!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Look Ma! I pooped a comma!!!

Okay, so let me just apologize RIGHT NOW!!! This is a blog about poop....Yep! That's right! So, if you are one of those faint of heart, gag-at-anything, can't stand to even mention the word "poop"....well, then, you better just stop right now...Go ahead, "x"out, buh-bye, you are not going to offend me one little bit.

Still Here? Whew! Good for you. You are my kind of girl! You know that Everyone Poops. You've probably even read that book to your children a time or two, right? You also probably LOVE the Dr. Oz Episode that he dedicated entirely to that very same subject.

Pooping is a fact of life. In fact, it is a very important fact of life...and a daily necessity!! According to Louise Gittleman, author of The Fat Flush, "it reveals telltale signs of what's going on with your body." I adamantly agree with this. I can ALWAYS tell if I'm eating right, taking the right amount of flaxseed, eating enough fiber, drinking too much, you name it, from lookin' at my "you know what"!!!

Dr. Oz says that your poop should be shaped like letters....As, Bs, Cs, you name it...he says any letter is good and as long as it's not are good. Gittleman says they should be about 2 feet long and have a diameter the size of a half dollar. I don't know about you, I've never gotten out the ruler...but, I'm pretty sure I have yet to see a 2-footer!!!

One day, last December, I was so excited!!! I pooped a candy cane!!! I proudly told my co-worker at the time, who also shared the same poop affinity with me...and she looked at me strangely, and said, "Wow, Margie, it was red and white? You might want to have that checked out!"

I have pooped candy canes, commas, C's, J's, sometimes I can actually spell words with them! Sometimes, I can't help but think to myself, "Dr. Oz would be so proud!!"

I admit, I am a little "poop-obsessed"...and yes, I always check to see what letter of the alphabet I have produced that day....but, all kidding aside, I really do feel that it is the BEST way of telling if you are treating your body right. If you are eating right, exercising and taking supplements, you will know. If you're not, you will definitely know - and believe me, there is a huge difference between the two! Poop is sooooo underrated. You can tell a world of things from it (and yes, sometimes spell words with it!), if you'd just take the time to read it!!

On a sidenote: when I told my 10 year old daughter that I pooped a comma the other day, she very matter-of-factly replied, "Well thank god you didn't poop a colon!" Oh, so funny!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lucky Number 13

I've always thought of 13 as my lucky number...afterall, I got engaged on Friday, the 13th...and almost 21 years later, it's working out pretty well for me!! Today, number 13, worked for me again! I ran my 13th race...since I started running last September. It was a 5k for the Central Oregon Disability Support Network which is an organization that is near and dear to my heart! I work with a lot of children who have disabilities from downs syndrome to autism. I got to see a lot of those kids out there today, working at the race and running the kids 1 miler. It was awesome to see the smiles on their faces and the satisfaction in their eyes as they crossed the finish line and were awarded a medal! Most of them yelling, "I won!" as the medal was place on their little necks! I ran the 5k today knowing that I was doing it for them...and maybe that made it a little easier for me. I set a PR today...running it in just under 30 minutes!! I was stoked when I made the final turn towards the finish line and the clock said: "29:40". I kicked it up a notch and ran across the finish line at 29:55. It felt good. But, not as good as seeing those kids out there today with their families, having the time of their lives. Running has allowed me to give of myself in ways I never have before. I love being a part of something bigger than myself and having a bigger reason to run rather than just accomplishing personal goals. I felt like such a part of the community today...and it filled me with such joy and gratitude.