Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking back on 2013

The year isn't quite over yet but, as I sit by the fire with a glass of wine on this New Years Eve, I am feeling nostalgic. My brand new journal sits on my bedside table, crisp and ready for all my new adventures and feats in 2014! 2013 was a good year, nothing life changing or altering but, a journey worth taking nonetheless. Some friendships were strengthened, others were tested. Some goals were reached, while others had to take a back seat. Family bonds were tightened through weddings, momentous birthdays, shared holidays and of course, facebook! All in all, a fantastic year.

Here is a recap of the highs and lows ...

Single best moment of 2013: There are so many little moments of joy that happened this year. Life really is all about the little things - and someday we will look back and realize that those little things were really the big things. I guess if I had to narrow it down and name 3 great moments of 2013, I'd say: Celebrating my Mama's 80th birthday with all of my family in the same room, Going to my 1st Mom's Weekend at my son's college and Watching my kids serve dinner to homeless folks on the streets, on Christmas Eve.

Single worst: Probably the day I sat in the dermatologist office and heard "we need to schedule surgery for this." Thank God it was benign.

Favorite race: Far and away, the iconic Bay to Breakers in San Francisco ON my birthday!! 3 girlfriends, 2 states, 1 open road -- priceless!!
People who stood by my side this year: My hubby of 23 years is my absolute rock. He is my best friend, my biggest  fan and continues to be the best man I've ever known (next to my dad, of course). Lord knows, I haven't always given him reason to love me but, he has stood by me through it all and I am so glad he did!

My running partner who has shown up morning after morning at "dark thirty" - at the track or on the street halfway between our houses. She pushes me to be the best I can be, she talks me into running when I'd rather sleep in and she never ceases to amaze me with her quiet wisdom or good advice. I am so thankful for the time spent running alongside her - it is truly food for my soul.

Best thing we did as a family this year: Building a fire pit in the backyard. It is true when they say "build it and they will come." And by "they" I mean precious family memories. We spent so many wonderful nights sitting around that fire pit, roasting marshmallows and talking about our day. This next summer , I want to have a sign made that says: "Welcome to our fire pit, where friends become family and family become friends". Just like those ooey, gooey s'mores, this is the good stuff in life!! 
Scariest thing that happened this year: I'd have to say our family boat outing for AJs birthday at Lake Billy Chinook on August 26th. We were in the middle of the lake, swimming and having fun in the sun, when a freak thunder and lightning storm came out of nowhere! The ride back to shore (and safety) seemed to last for hours! But, my amazing hubby got us all there safely and we had some great video footage to post on Facebook!
Greatest lesson learned: That life is all in how you look at it. The glass is either half full or half empty ALL the time -  it just depends on how you look at it. If things look bleak,  just change your perspective. Things could ALWAYS be worse, someone is always worse off than you. Count your blessings not your problems. Focus on the good in the world. A grateful heart doesn't have time to feel sorry for itself.

Best book read: Hmmm...I guess I'd appear pretty shallow if I said the "50 Shades of Grey" trilogy, right?! I read some good books this year but, probably my favorite was Wild by Cheryl Strayed. The second best would be Past Forgetting, a book my dad gave me, which was a memoir written by Eisenhower's mistress. My goal for this next year is to read more. There is nothing better to me than curling up in bed with a hot cup of tea, cozy socks and a good book on a cold winter night!

Well, that sums up my year! It was fun to take a look back. Hope you enjoyed it. Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year's Eve spent with those you love...and a very, very blessed 2014.

Friday, December 27, 2013

We don't twitter we don't tweet we just live on Flanders street

I feel kind of bad because I am stealing a fave saying of my dear 81 year old dad for the title of this blog but, I love it! My dad is known for funny sayings (most of them old adages like "no use crying over spilled milk" and "don't burn daylight"). But, this one is a real Burke original and deserves a place all it's own!

Last summer when my sister and I were going to the wedding of an old family friend, my dad told us "if anyone asks about your mother and I, just tell them: We don't twitter we don't tweet we just live on Flanders street!l" We thought that was pretty funny and clever (and didn't have the heart to tell dad that twitter and tweet are basically the same thing!)

The thing about my dad is that he is a very wise man and many times throughout my life, he has given me words to live by.  When I was a kid and somebody hurt my feelings, he'd make me feel better by saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but, names will never hurt me." When we would go on a road trip, he'd say to all of us kids in the back seat before we left home, "speak now or forever hold your pee!" To this day I still say that to my kids!

One of my favorite "Burk-isms" is when he says "Nobody goes there anymore cuz it's too crowded" when referring to a popular restaurant. Again, we don't have the heart to tell him that somebody must be going there! We just smile and nod in agreement! 

I love that my dad's words of wisdom have become part of who we are as a family and I love it when my kids repeat something he has said or say "grandpa comes up with some pretty funny stuff." Makes me think of simpler times when families passed things on from generation to generation. A time when families sat around the dinner table and actually talked to each other. Or danced around the coffee table to old Nat King Cole Christmas tunes playing on the record player. When they went on long Sunday drives or drove to Disneyland without a single handheld device or a portable DVD. They didn't twitter or tweet...and man, life was sweet!