Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Streaking with my clothes on!

I have mentioned before that I am an "All or Nothing" kind of gal. Yep! That would be me...I either resist the plate of nachos or I eat the whole thing in its entirety in a matter of minutes! I go on the wagon for weeks at a time, but once I fall off, it is ALL OVER and no can of Coors Light or bottle of chardonnay within a few inches is safe!!

To stay motivated between half marathons, I decided to challenge myself for the month of July to run EVERYDAY! They call that "streaking" in running lingo! You can become a streaker by either running everyday for a certain period of time or you could run the same race year after year and be considered a "streaker". Either way, it sounded like fun to me and it satisfied my "all or nothing" way of life. One lady I read about ran everyday for 365 days and drank a different kind of beer everyday after her run (I think she drank 2 beers the very last day)!! I thought that was pretty cool...but, since I'm a devout Coors or Budweiser girl, I would run out of beer choices mid-way through the week! :)

So, I am on Day 17 of this personal challenge and so far, so good! I have managed to run everyday...somedays, it is all I can do to get moving and run a mile (aka "The morning after gals wine night!"). Other days, I feel as if I could run forever! My shortest run has been 1 mile and my longest run has been 4.2, averaging 2.51 a day. This sort of challenge works well for me because I know that if I stop, I will be done. So, it has become somewhat of a game with me to keep the streak going. The tricky part is geting out there early, before it gets too hot. I have been pretty good about that and so far, have only had to run in the heat of the day once! (I also set a goal for 2012 to run atleast 12 miles a week, so this keeps me on track with that goal as well.)

Turns out, I come by this "All or Nothing" attitude rather honestly. I come from a long line of "AorNAYer's". This patten is most evident in my older brother, Kevin who I believe holds the World's Record for longest consecutive jump roping!! He started jump roping on March 22, 1997 and never stopped. That is 15 plus years of jump roping, people! Every. Single. Day. When he first started, he lost 60 lbs! Now, it has become a way of life and probably somewhat of an addiction. He has jump roped under the Eifel Tower, at the Vatican; all sorts of exciting and unusual places! He even forgot his jump rope one time on vacation so, he made a makeshift one out of the phone cord!! Gotta love that kind of creative thinking!

It really is almost easier to do something everyday than it is to say you will do it 4 times a week. If you know you are going to run everyday, then there is no negotiating with yourself. You don't start making deals with yourself like, "I can take tomorrow off if I run today" or "I can push the snooze button and run extra tomorrow!" You just get up and do it. And, pretty soon, it becomes habit.

"Just Do it. And Do It Again Everyday."

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