Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'm in an "ommm" state of mind...

I have heard for years that yoga is good for folks with MS. I have tried in the past to like yoga, but to no avail. Something about those crazy poses, balancing on blocks, twisting into a pretzel and just plain having balance issues of my own and being too self-conscious in front of all those amazing yogis...has always turned me off.

That is, until I discovered a Sunday morning class offered at my health club, called "Beginner's Yoga." I've been going faithfully for the past month and a half and I absolutely LOVE it. I pray that the time doesn't come where they kick me out and say, "Okay, you have been taking this beginner's class for 3 years now, it is time to move on to intermediate yoga!" Because I think I could take this class for the rest of my life. I am all about the basics.

The instructor starts with the very basic poses. Child's pose. Downward dog. Tree pose. She has the most soothing voice and uses words & phrases like "relax", "surrender", "breathe", "focus on the here and now"...all of which are great lessons for everyday life! At the beginning of class, she has us set an intention for our class - something we'd like to get out of it, something we'd like to let go of, something we'd like to do better. I love this idea and have begun setting a "weekly" intention for myself. She really pushes us to be our authentic selves, not comparing ourselves to anyone else in the class. She sets such a great tone for the whole class that I think everyone feels instantly at ease.

I also added yoga to my weekly workouts because I've read many times over, that it is the perfect compliment to running. It strengthens your core, stretches tired muscles and helps with balance. I now look forward to my Sunday morning ritual like I would a spa treatment. I feel like it is the one time each week that I devote to pampering my body inside and out. I savor that hour like I would savor a piece of cheesecake, a good book or a glass of wine. I love the way I feel before, during and after the class. It gives me a sense of empowerment and just leaves me with an overall sense of peace to begin my week. Not a bad Rx for anyone...MS or not!

So, don't wait to be diagnosed with a disease or get injured, to try yoga. It really is as good as people say it is. It does a body and soul good.  Just make sure you find a class that suits your needs and lifestyle.

-Namaste (which, for other fellow beginners, is pronounced Num-ah-stay and means "the divine in me honors the divine in you...")

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