Monday, July 25, 2011

I hate cleaning...

Okay, Martha Stewart, plug your ears!! I am going to say something that might send chills through your bones!! :) I HATE cleaning! There, I said it! The real reason I hate cleaning is that I will spend hours cleaning and be so happy that my house is finally "clean" - and then my family will return home ... and that damn house is dirty again within a matter of mere minutes! Ughhh...all that hard work down the drain. It is soooo frustrating! Why even bother if it's just going to get dirty again? I do love that fresh feeling of getting my carpets steam cleaned by a professional. But, that presents another problem. It only lasts for a day or so, and then sure enough, those old, ugly stains start popping back up. What is up with that?? I have a coupon for carpet cleaning but, I'm trying to figure out when to use it. When my carpets are already dirty, I am not stressed out about the kids tracking dirt in or the dog running through a puddle and then right into the house, or my husband coming in from golf, tracking the entire 17th green behind him!! But, once I get the carpets out!...I turn into someone I don't even recognize! A crazy lady with a penchant for cleanliness!!! I don't know about you, but summer is a time to be outdoors, playing with your kids, splashing in the pool, sipping on umbrella drinks...not to be stuck indoors on all fours, scrubbing the gross stuff that accumulates around the bottom of the toilet. My bathroom always looks pretty good to me, that is until I forget to take off my damn reading glasses and I run into use the potty and start looking around!! Yikes! Who knew my dog shed so much? Who knew toothpaste could fly backwards and get lodged into the baseboards? That's when I really feel like a slacker, but once I take my glasses off, my bathroom looks pretty darn good again!! I recently bought a sign at a home decor store dowtown that pretty much sums up my philosophy: "Good moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens, and happy kids." Martha Stewart, I am NOT! But, I gotta say, my kids are pretty happy!!!

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