Saturday, February 11, 2012

There are a million reasons why I am a mess...but, menopause is NOT one of them!

I went to the doctor last week. I've been feeling, lately, like I'm starting to enter the "M-phase" of my life! Night sweats, mood swings, sudden flare-ups in my acne (it's got me wondering, "when in the world will I be able to stop stealing my 17 year old son's zit medicine?") Urgh.

So, I asked my doctor if he could order a hormone test...I guess it's called the FSH Test (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). High levels indicate that you are entering menopause. Well, I took the blood test and the results came back stating that I am not in menopause. Yet.

So, now what? I was hoping he'd give me some magic pill, hormone replacement or secret cream to make it all go away...and now, I'm left to deal with all of this on my own.

It's frustrating to say the least. Atleast when you know who the predator is, you are more able to plan your attack. You know what you're up against. Now, I'm just left to figure out what the hell all this means and how best to deal with it on my own...without drugs.

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Found your blog through I'll have to thank her because I am enjoying your blog very much. Would love to have you follow me as well, as it looks like we are at the same point in our lives. Hang in there! There are so many days that I feel like a mess too.
