Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running and Chocolate...What could be better?

A PR, perhaps and possibly a ribbon!! Today, I ran a 5k with my running buddy, Rachel. It was so much reminded me why I run. It was a beautiful course, located in scenic Sunriver, Oregon. It was called "Run for Chocolate"...which means after the race, they treated us to an array of delicious chocolate treats (dark of course, 'cause that's the healthy kind!!) They had a choclolate fountain with all kinds of yummies for dipping (bananas, strawberries, marshmallows, graham name it!) and pots of gourmet coffee, hot cocoa....biscotti, protein bars, chocolate milk (my fave post-run drink!) It was pure "post-race" heaven!!

The best part, perhaps was crossing the finish line at 29:40. A personal 5k best for both Rachel and I. At the start of the race, we had decided our goal would be under 31 minutes. Afterall, the trail was icy and even the race annoucer said at the start line, "Not a day to try for a PR!" Well, take that, race announcer!!

The funniest part was afterwards, as we awaited the race results and awards ceremony...I told Rachel, "I really think I may have placed in my age category!" I was a little excited thinking about the possibility. Rachel said she might cry if I did. As they read the Top 3 winners in each category...I was getting more and more excited! They read Rachel's age group, 35-39, ... Rachel won 2nd place!!! Woohoo!! Then, they skipped ahead to the 50-over group. I quickly yelled out, "Hey, you forgot the 40's". So, the announcer graciously apologized and went back and read the 40-over category winners. Well, call it karma (for yelling out) or call it like it is (40 year old women in Bend are a COMPETITIVE bunch!!) Because I didn't even make the top 4! No ribbon for me. The first place finisher in my age category finished in 24 minutes...Wow!

The really sad part was that I was all ready to run up and accept my ribbon. I had stepped out of the buffet line. I had set my plate down. I was in starting position to run up to the podium and maybe even give a little acceptance speech. I know, nobody does that, but why not start a new trend??

Well, my bubble burst just a little bit when I didn't hear my name called. But, Rachel and I got a good laugh out of it. We headed to the lounge and ordered a celebratory bloody mary and recounted the highlights of the run as we looked out at the snow capped mountains! I mean, we had achieved a Personal, that was worth celebrating!! Yay Us!!

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