Is it sad that I actually look forward to my monthly IV drug infusion for my MS? I sort of look at it like I would a day at the spa! I bring my little bag of goodies: magazines, book, reading glasses, crosswords...and just sit back in the recliner and RELAX...for 2 hours...without kids!! Man, if that's not livin' I don't know what is!! If I want, I ask for a blankie and take a little snooze...I can ask the nurse to turn on the TV...I can ask for one of those yummy candies they keep in a jar at the front desk...It really is HEAVEN! The only thing missing is a plush white robe and a big jar of cucumber water...but, hey, I can't get picky now!
I am now on month 5 of a new drug, called Tysabri. It is a once a month IV-infused drug...the actual drug itself takes about an hour and then, they have to sit and watch me for an hour afterwards. Not really sure what they are looking for...maybe for my eyes to roll back in my head or for my head to actually explode...but, I humor them and wait as long as they need me to wait. Hey, I am in no hurry to get home and fix dinner! (I score major sympathy points from my family when I walk in the front door at 6pm with a bandage wrapped around my arm - you can bet I am going to MILK this for as long as I can!!)
All kidding aside, there is a very rare brain infection that can occur with this drug...which has been fatal for some. This is VERY RARE though and the chances of it happening to me are next to nill. The way I look at it is like this: "Life is short, you could walk outside right now and get run over by a car...and be, with everything in life, there are risks. And, the way that this drug makes me feel is worth every second of worry over getting this rare brain infection." When I tell people I have MS, sometimes they look all worried and say "Is it fatal?" I tell them, "Life is fatal...none of us are getting out of here alive!" That usually stops them in their tracks or atleast gets them to buy me a beer!!
I love life...and I want my quality of life to be as good as it can for as long as it can!! Right now, Tysabri is working for me. Since starting on this drug, I have had no MS symptoms or side effects whatsoever so, for me, this is about as good as it gets!! I thank God that I am able to go in once a month for this wonder drug! It may not be a day at the spa, but it comes damn close!!
Hi Margie, It's Renee - from I have figured out how to make it so you can subscribe (follow) now! Actually a friend of mine figured it out for me. I am still new to blogging. Share it with your friends....I am following your blog now! how exciting!! I can't believe you run! How inspirational!!! It is great to read each others stories! Awesome!!