Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Supply Shopping...a great opportunity to teach our kids about finances!

Today was the day to go school supply shopping. Now, this day is often dreaded by parents all across the country....I however, am what you might call a "school supply geek!" I get such a rush out of smelling newly sharpened pencils, or running my hand across a bright yellow folder...and don't even get me started on the calendars. Remember that line from, "You've got mail" where Tom Hanks tells Meg Ryan he will send her a box of freshly sharpened pencils?" Ooooohhh, that man knows how to woo a girl! You had me at freshly sharpened, Tom!

So, today was that day...only this year, my 10-year old daughter didn't just want to go with me...she wanted to make an entire day of it with her best friend and us moms, go out to lunch at Olive Garden, maybe ice cream after that. So, we set out, starbucks in our system, school supply list in hand, credit card in wallet. It started out pretty routine, the girls finding #2 pencils and glue sticks and tossing them in the cart without much thought...but, when it came time for the spiral notebooks...Watch out! They wanted glam, they wanted cute, they wanted the spiral with the most curly q's and color they could find. In other words, they wanted the most expensive ones. I asked them how much they were, to which my daughter replied, "I don't know, it doesn't matter." Immediately, the hairs on my neck stood up. I said in my best mom voice, "You would care if you were the one paying for all this." So, they dutifully checked the price and said "They are only $1.29 each"...Okay, they had won that battle - now it was time to move onto the erasers and folders. Now, they have these great folders in all different colors, for 25 cents each which are just fine....but, of course they wanted "cute", they went for the 99cent folders. We tried our best to get the girls to split items like glue sticks and dry erase markers...which we did so with some success. They drew the line though, with the huge packet of pencil top erasers, claiming they had different color tastes in these pencil-toppers. When I was a kid, erasers came in one color...pearl pink. And, I had one of those yellow peechees with sports figures on the front. I think we got them at school office, don't really remember shopping for them and I certainly didn't have a choice in the matter.

We continued on down each aisle, crossing things off our list, until we had found everything on our list. Then, as we approached the check-out counter, we eyed some plain spiral notebooks, for a penny each! Now, this was the perfect opportunity to teach our kids about the value of a dollar (or penny in this case!) They had picked out the "cute" colorful patterned spirals earlier for 1.29 each. We tried to explain to them that (4) notebooks at 1.29 cost over 5 dollars, while (4) of the penny ones were a mere 4 cents!! Well, let's just say they were not impressed with our quick math skills and were holding tight to the cotton candy, plaid poly, hot chocolate, polka dotted spiral notebooks (that really are named these 'catchy' little names just to lure in fashion-conscious little girls!) They wanted nothing to do with the bland, one-color, same number of pages spirals for a penny. In the end, we compromised...we let them keep (2) of the pretty pads and we made them put back (2) and replace them with (2) of the borings. But, not before they both grumbled and complained that we were single handedly ruining their 5th grade year before it even started!! But, hey we saved $2.56 and that made me happy.

On our way to check-out, I heard things like: "How come you won't let me get what I want?" "Why does it always have to be all about you?" I turned to my daughter and said in my calmest mom voice, "It's not about me trying to ruin your last year of elementary school and it's really not even about me trying to show you who holds the purse strings in the family (although, we all know who does!)'s about me wanting us to be able enjoy the lifestyle we have and about us being able to have a roof over our head. Would you rather have a rad, colorful binder or a house to sleep in everynight?" That quieted her for a few seconds - long enough to check out in peace anyway.

At the check-out counter, the cashier asked me if I'd like to swap my Elmer's glue bottle for the store brand which is only a nickel. I was so thrilled at saving approx. $1.12 on a bottle of glue, that I almost jumped across the counter and kissed her!

We finally made it out the door with all of our supplies for...$38.14 which totally (and pleasantly) surprised me! I had planned to spend twice that (but don't tell my daughter!!)

Happy New School Year!!!

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