Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Game On!


I freakin' love this diet!! I wouldn't even call it a diet, it's more of a game! The things I love most about it is that it IS hard, it IS challenging, but IT works and it is soooo WORTH all the hard efforts! Sometimes, it takes sacrificing life's little luxuries to realize our true potential. And, there is something about self-deprivation that leads to growth.

The Game On Diet was designed by Krista Vernoff, Executive Producer of Grey's Anatomy and Az Ferguson, a Personal Trainer. Krista wanted to lose some baby weight but, HATED dieting. So, her trainer, Az, came up with the Game On Diet. The diet consists of several different categories and is based on a points system. So, it's not really about how much weight you lose, it's how many points you earn. I've played the Game twice and both times lost about 7 lbs. and toned up quite a bit. I have never felt better than when I am on the plan. Anything worth having is worth working for!

These are the categories:

Meals - You eat 5 sanctioned meals a day. Each meal must contain 1 carb, 1 protein and 1 healthy fat. The meals must be spread out throughout the day, no less than 2 hours apart and no more than 4 hours apart. In addition to your meals, you get to have one 100 calorie treat everyday!

Exercise - You must exercise (as in break a sweat and raise your heart rate) for a minimum of 20 minutes 6 days a week.

Sleep - You must get 7 or more hours of sleep every night.

Water - You must drink 100 ounces of water a day.

New Habit - You must develop a new good habit and do it everyday.

Old Habit - You must pick one bad habit and give it up everyday. (If you're not sure what to give up, try asking your children! They are usually pretty good at telling you what you need to improve on!)

Communication - You must be in contact with one member of your team and one member of the opposite team every day (via text, emails, phone calls or face-to-face).

There are other things like no alcohol, no snacking b/w meals and only weighing yourself ONCE a day...and there are penalties for breaking these rules. You get points everyday and then, check in each week with your teammates for total weekly points and pounds lost. You just need to lose 1% of your starting weight for the week to earn BONUS points. The BEST part of it all is that you get an entire DAY and MEAL off each week! Sound fun?

Let's Get Started!

Breakfast Ideas

This is by far my FAVE breakfast whether I am dieting or not!
(And not just because it makes a cute lil' "smiley face!")
So easy to make and eat on the go!
2 Nutri Grain Waffles
Tall low-fat Vanilla Latte
1 TBSP Almond Butter
Drizzle of honey

Tall nonfat Vanilla Latte
Scrambled Eggs with vegies
2 slices of Turkey Bacon
1 c. Blueberries
8 oz. glass of milk
Scrambled Eggs with vegies
(Reading Jesus Calling everyday was my good habit!)
Lunch Ideas
Cherry Tomatoes
Dinner Ideas
Grilled vegies in olive oil
Snack Ideas
Kashi Cereal
Chobani Greek Yogurt
12 almonds
Fresh Fruit
Hard-boiled egg/Laugh Cow Cheese
Peanut Butter
100 Calorie Treat Options:
 2 small York Peppermint Patties
Starbucks Tall Skinny NF Vanilla Latte
Starbucks Tall Lite Caramel Frappacino
3 squares (1/4 bar) Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate
Nabisco 100 Calorie Snack Packs

Other Ideas:
Make a Journal to record EVERYTHING you eat, the exercise you do, amount of sleep you get, etc! It really helps keep you on track and comes in handy when you play the game again.

Take a Before/After Photo
It's great to see how far you've come!
 But most importantly, Just get started!
30 Days from now, you will be glad you did!!
"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery,
while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom."
*There is a book available. I recommend buying it and keeping it on hand for quick reference.

The Big D did not find any C...Part 3

Yahoo!!! Hallelujiah!! Wowzer! Right On!! Thank you, Lord!

Got a call from the dermatologist on Friday and they said they got all it all! Yippee!

So happy...I hope the next time I go back in there and get needles poked in me, it's for BOTOX!!

Cheers! Celebrate Life and Drink it Up...It is soooo Good!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Big D - Part Deux

So, the surgery was scheduled. I had to wait 3 grueling weeks. That, I think, is the hardest thing for me. The waiting. I am not a good waiter.

The day before the surgery, I opened up my Jesus Calling Devotional book and read these lines:

"Let Me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction.
I am with you continually. So, don't be intimidated by fear.
Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand."

I just sat there, silently in awe and precious reverence, and had this sense of peace envelope my entire body. Wow. God had placed that very devotion in that very book, just for me. I suddenly felt less scared and anxious about the day ahead. I knew in my heart that "God's got this!"

That evening, I took a soak in our hot tub (knowing it would be my last for a few weeks, atleast til my stitches came out.) I sat there with my arms outstretched, with the rain softly falling on my face, looking up at the evening sky. There were all sorts of puffy, white clouds and dark patches, with a few light spots here and there. A beautiful sky for sure. I was in a peaceful state of mind, relaxed and ready. I was looking for a sign in the sky from God. Something to assure me that "He really did have this!"

As I stared into the heavens, the clouds began to form images. The first was what looked like a lion's face. It was beautiful, and the most distinct characteristic was his piercing eyes, staring down at me. He seemed to be telling me to have courage. The next image I saw was that of an angel...I could barely make out her huge wings and a small head, it looked like she was hovering over me and letting me know that I was in good hands. The last and final image I saw, was that of a sheep. It started out very small and then, morphed into a much bigger image of a sheep's head. It had soft fluffy fur around it's face and little soft ears and big eyes...Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't help but think of Psalm 23:1,4:

 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
For you are with me: your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
I was truly humbled and amazed and once again, I felt such comfort from above. I felt like I had absolutely nothing to fear. God HAD this ... unquestionably, 100%, and without a doubt. He had shown me an abundance of proof.  I slept soundly that night.
The next day, the surgery went ultra smooth. I was totally relaxed (with a little help from Ativan!) and just felt God's presence in that exam room the entire time. They stitched me up, bandaged me and sent me on my way. And, now, all that's left to do is to pray and to wait...the rest is up to God!

Goin' to the big D...and don't mean Dallas - Part 1

I have always hated going to the Dermatologist. Ever since I was an awkward teen, prone to breakouts, I had to make the bi-annual trip to the big D. It was the one day that I had to walk out of my house, completely bare-faced and I hated it! My biggest fear was that we'd run into a cute boy I knew from school on our way, or even worse, in the doctor's office. Then, he would see the real ME up close and personal! Ugh.

As I got older, I still hated the dermatologist because now I was in my 20's and still fighting acne. It was even more embarrassing to walk into the examination room and have the doctor take a second look, maybe even a bit puzzled ... like he was expecting someone, er, perhaps a little younger.

Then, I hit 30 and the visits still continued. Stress, Pregnancy, Post-pregnancy and MS had all had their way with me that decade and it showed up on my face!

What really sucks is when you have to go the dermatologist in your 40's. There was something about hormones and pre-menopause that was wreaking havoc on my chin, turning it into a frickin' battlezone. Thank God for a little miracle drug called Spironolactone that has given me new hope and a newfound sense of self esteem. My chin no longer looks like a big ol' red volcano oozing with lava! Gross, I know!

But, do you want to know what really, really sucks? Going to the dermatologist for your yearly, routine body scan and having her ask in a very serious tone, "how long has this pink spot been on your back?" I wasn't really prepared for what she said next. I mean, I was just there on an obligatory visit, squeezing this appointment in between 2 others on a workday afternoon. I was busy. I would have gladly traded a full face of zits, in front of a cute boy nonetheless, for the news she was about to give me. Funny how your biggest fears change as you get older.

I've had body scans in the past, I've had moles burned off, bumps shaved down and the tip of my nose biopsied. But, this time it was different. She wanted to schedule surgery. She wanted to take a big ol' football-shaped slice out of my back and sew it up with a bunch of stitches. She called it basal cell carcinoma which we all know is just a fancy name for cancer.

The silliest things came into my mind. How will I wear my favorite dress style - the halter - with a big, ugly scar on my back? Were my summer days, lounging by the pool, over for good? What about boating, rafting or kayaking? Could I still do these things or would I be banned to a life of boring indoor activities and pasty skin? Then, the real questions started to surface...What if they don't get it all and it spreads? What if I die before I turn 50? What if I don't get to see my kids get married or see their kids? The list was endless. And, I couldn't let me my mind go there...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear Dad

Today is Father's Day so, I wanted to pay tribute to the man who raised me, who got me through my teen age years, who paid my way through college, paid for my big catholic wedding (even though, he tried to talk me into eloping and taking the ten grand!) and to this day, is still the Greatest Man I Know.

My dad was raised in a non-affection-showing family. Hugs were not the norm, Kisses were a little awkward and saying "I Love You" was ... well, sort of like saying "There is no Santa Claus to a 2-year old." You get the idea.

Growing up, I always remember my dad working hard. He always did what was best for our family. He loved my mama. He provided well for his 6 kids. I remember one particular summer when we were vacationing at the beach, he had to head back home to work for a few days. When he returned to the beach house, he asked me to come outside and help him with something in the front seat. To my astonishment and surprise, my BEST FRIEND, Paula was hiding under a blanket in the front seat! That was by far, one of the best surprises I've ever received...to this day! I often think about that and wonder how in the world he came up with the idea, how he made it happen and just how much he must have loved me in order to execute such a surprise! It always makes me smile.

He may not have been uber affectionate, or have said the actual words, "I Love You" very often, if at all...but, I always knew that he did. It was the little things he did that spoke louder than anything. The memories I have are of a happy childhood...of a secure and joyful home life. I never wondered where our next meal was coming from and I went to bed happy every single night. When I recall my growing years, I always smile and think fondly of a life well lived.

So, on this special day, I want to say thank you, Dad...for all you've done for me. Big and small. But, I would have to say, most of all, thank you for loving my mama and showing us all what a good marriage looks like. You can't teach that stuff but, you can model it for your children and that is exactly what you have done. I am forever grateful for that gift. And, so lucky to have a father like you.

Your loving daughter...Margery Eileen

Cheers, Dad!
photo taken St. Patrick's Day 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Not on my bucket list

Recently, my girlfriends and I went on an 8 hour road trip to San Francisco to run the Bay 2 Breakers on my birthday (see previous blog). I thought it would be fun if we all jotted down, ahead of time, our Top 10 Bucket List Items. Turns out it was a fabulous idea...we chatted about them throughout the weekend, made reference to them over many cocktails, and on the way home, we talked more in depth about them. Our Bucket List items turned into deep conversation about the things we love, the things that matter to us and just brought us all a little bit closer. I had also printed out a list from the internet entitled: "100 Things you should do before you die" and brought it with me. I read it aloud to my friends on our way home. It was fun to hear my friend's experiences, stories and dreams in relation to the items on the list. Stuff you don't really know until you ask. It was very eye-opening and fun! And, I'd highly recommend it for your next road trip!

Here's my Top 10:
  • Run a Half (check. did that twice! Hey, does that count as a full marathon?)
  • Hike South Sister (the 3rd largest peak in Oregon. done. checked off my list for good!)
  • Run a race on my bday (done. Bay 2 B!)
  • Zip line in Costa Rica (I want to go there for a yoga retreat on my 50th bday!)
  • Try a tri! (I wanted to do a sprint tri this July, but chickened out! I don't swim and I only own a cruiser, so the only leg I could truly do is the 5k...guess I need to invest in a new bike and some swim lessons before I check that one off!)
  • Eat Lobster in Cape Cod (for some reason New England has always held a special place in my heart.)
  • Visit NY City and go to the Live with Kelly and Michael show! (Kelly is my hero!! Would love to meet her!)
  • Do a run in the wine country (Oregon, California, Washington, doesn't really matter where. I just want to have lots of wine at the finish line)
  • Run the Eugene Half (where my husband and I went to college and my son is going now...)
  • Get one of my blogs published (but, I guess I need to have more than 17 followers before that happens!)
So, I've done 3 out of 10. I really hope to cross 'em ALL off my list before I kick the proverbial bucket!

Now, that brings me to things that are NOT on my bucket list! Topping that list would be:
  • Running a Full Marathon
  • Riding in an ambulance
  • Spending any time in prison
I would add to that list "riding a mechanical bull" but, apparently one of my best friends thought it WAS on my bucket list and co-erced me into doing it last week! By co-erced, I don't mean that she held a gun to my head or anything...but, she did buy me several beers and showed me the cool T-shirt I could earn and said "c'mon, you know you want to cross it off your list"! Guess that's all it takes.

Anyhoo, I signed the waiver (that should have been my first clue) and hopped up on the bull (in my cute little western skirt and cowboy boots!)...smiled for the camera (and all of facebook to see) and held on tightly. The next thing I knew, I was on my head, skirt up over it and all I could think of as I lay there was "Oh my god, if it hurts this much now, I don't want to be me in the morning!!" I somehow got myself upright, straightened out my cute lil' skirt and marched on over to the bartender and demanded my free T-shirt! She just smiled and said, "You earned it, honey...and by the way, I saw your thong!" Ugh. Little did she know, I was wearing my granny panties but, the force of the bull must have made 'em look ... well, umm, a little skimpier!

I now know that I am waaaaay too damn old to just randomly hop up on some Robo Bull and go for a ride! For heaven's sake, I'm not 24 anymore. There are some things that people just don't want to see when they are out enjoying themselves on a Thursday night. So, for all of you who were innocent bystanders to the "mess" that was me the other night. I am truly sorry.

Bucket Lists are great. They are good way to chart your growth. It's good to have something to work towards. But, I would recommend writing down all the items that are ON your list and maybe even the ones that are NOT on your list...and in my case, laminating it and carrying it around on a binder ring on my belt or something. That way, I will never find myself in this position ever again...

Oh Lordy, someone thinks they're 40.

"I'm much too young to feel this damn old."
-Garth Brooks