Call me old-fashioned or technologically unadvanced...but, I don't want to read a book on a computer screen and I don't want to be able to check my emails 24/7 on my phone. Sometimes, I just want to be unavailable. Sometimes, I just want to flip a page and smell the wonderful smell of an old book. Sometimes, I think this whole electronic craze has gone too far!! What really gets to me is that, what is super cool one day is totally outdated the next...and our kids are learning that bigger is always better and that the more you spend, the better it must be and that everything in life can be upgraded. As soon as they get the hang of their new ipod, iphone or ipad, something better comes along. I feel bad for the old stuff. The stuff they got for Christmas last year, that is now gathering dust on their desk shelf or worse yet, being listed on ebay at this very moment.
What are we teaching our kids when we allow them to discard these expensive gadgets on a whim and buy the next BIG thing? I think we are teaching them to not be content with what they have. To always be searching for something else. A wise man once said, "Happiness is not having what you want...It's wanting what you have." Our kids need to learn to be happy with what they have, not continually searching for that proverbial golden ticket.
I hate that our children are growing up in this world of computers, IM chat, facebook, cell phones, texting and twitter. It is stealing our kids from us. It is creating distance between us. It is consuming our children's minds and thoughts. I don't like it one bit.
I just want to sit down at the dinner table with my husband and kids every night and have an honest to goodness, face to face, conversation with them about their day and what the best part of their day was...without the invasion of anything electronic whatsoever!!! Is there an APP for that?
So well said Margie! I could not agree with you more. I guess I'm "old-fashioned" too! Thanks for posting that!