Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blogger Virgin

Hi all, this is my very first BLOG ever!! I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile now, but never seemed to find the time to sit down and do it. Well, after talking with a friend today, I got inspired...I came home and put my daughter's 9 year old friend to work and ... "Voila! My blog was created!!" :) Amazing what you can get done when you put your mind to it (or when you put a child to it! he hee)

My blog name is "Am I A Mess"? Well, let me explain. My maiden name is MIMS...and when you spell it out, it actually says the phrase. I was made aware of that in college, by one of my best friends when we were at a frat party! We had consumed many adult beverages (even though, we ourselves were not really adults!) and we were having a really good time. She said "Hey, when you spell your last name, its says: "Am I A Mess?" I laughed and said ... "Oh yes, YES I AM!!!" And from there, the phrase was born.

Fast forward 15 years...it's 1998 ~ and I get diagnosed with a really rude disease called "MS." It hits you like a ton of bricks, slowly takes away your abilities, robs you of your energy, all the while acting all quiet and non-chalant about it. Once again, the phrase seemed to fit my life...only this time it said: "Am I MS?" To which I quickly answered, "Oh no, NO I AM NOT."

Well, it's been 13 years since that fateful day...and I have to say I am not MS...but I do have MS...and believe it or not, MS has been one of the biggest blessings in my life! It has made me realize that life is precious and that I should never, ever take a single day for granted. It has helped me live in the moment because truly, that is all any of us really have. It has made me appreciate my good health when I have it ... and fight for better health when I don't. It sounds ironic, but having MS has made me stronger. It forces me to try and attempt things I would never have dreamed of doing - all to prove this damned disease wrong!! And, to prove to the world that "I AM NOT MS...or a MESS" for that matter!

Recently, I took up running. I actually took a class called "Learn to Run" at a local running store. I had never in my life been a runner, nor had I ever wanted to be. Well, 9 months later, I've run 5 5ks, a 10k, and just finished my first Half Marathon!! I feel like running has given me a new lease on life and I just laugh at MS every time I run and don't trip or fall!! It's sort of like saying "FU, MS" with all due respect, of course!!!:)

So, my life right now is all about running and all about trying to stay healthy and motivated and manage this damned disease...did I mention, it's a very rude disease??!

I hope I can offer some inspiration, some laughs, maybe even some tears, while on this journey! So, hold on tight...."Here we go!"

1 comment:

  1. Margie!!!! Love your new blog! It is so authentic and from the heart. You have already inspired me a ton since I've met you and I know you will continue to do so! Thanks for talking/persuading me into running again and for being the best running buddy a girl could dream of!
