It feels like waking up at 530am most days of the week and heading out for a run or fitness workout.
It feels like being able to run 13.1 miles all at one time without dying (or better yet, barfing. Or stopping.)
It feels like being strong enough to work 7-8 hours a day at a physically and mentally tough job and still have something left for my family at the end of the day.
It feels like maximizing your weekends by hitting the slopes, hitting the bar AND making it to Sunday morning yoga and Sunday night church.
It feels like visiting your son at college and feeling like YOU are the college student!
It feels like looking MS right smack dab in the face and laughing, while saying "Oh, and you thought I'd back down? Ha! Obviously, you haven't met me!"
Yeah, so that's what 145 feels like. Strong. Confident. And Tough.
I would happily take that any day over 125 pounds of "Not-so-sure-if I-can-hack it"!
Oh, and just in case you are wondering, this is what 145 LOOKS like...
145's Not so bad, right? Well, truth be told I originally wrote this blog about 6 months ago, shortly before menopause took ahold of me and shook me to my core. And now, I am fighting to stay below 150! Oh, what I wouldn't give to weigh 145 again!!
Oh well, as long as I can approach my 50th birthday with strength and determination to be the best I can be, I'll take 145, 150 or beyond. Afterall, it's just a number!
And I've never been one to let a number define me.