Saturday, February 23, 2013

Let the training begin!

My girlfriends and I got together for a run this morning. We met at my house, did a nice 3ish mile loop near my house in the snow! The sun was shining and we were warm in no time! We all wore yak trax, but I had lost one of mine on a New Year's Run in the snow, so I only had 'em on one foot! (I'm pretty sure, my right leg is going to be a lot "sore-er" tonight than my left because I definitely landed harder on the one with the yak trak!!)

After our run, we returned to my house for an "apres-run" planning meeting in my hot tub, complete with prosecco pomegranate mimosas (served by my wonderful hubby in solo cups on a plastic platter!) You see, we are signed up for the infamous Bay To Breakers 12k in San Francisco on May 19th (which just happens to be MY birthday!) and we had some planning/discussing to do!! Can't think of a better place for a meeting than my hot tub!!

Ingredients for a perfect prosecco pomegranate mimosa!

Meeting in the hot tub!
(We actually solved a lot of the world's problems!)

After our soak, we headed inside for a lovely brunch made and served again, by my amazing husband...Eggs Benny topped with avacado, homemade potatoes, fresh berries and of course, more mimosas!! We sat and visited...for what seemed like hours. It was so nice to just relax, catch up and plan for our next big adventure!


We are so excited for B2B (that's what the local's call it!) and you could feel the energy starting to mount - even though the race is almost 3 months away! I said at one point, "It's not even about the race, it's about all the fun we are going to have in the city!" And, I think that is exactly why I love running so much. You get a race on the calendar, you train, you make plans for the big day but, the real adventure lies in all the stuff that surrounds the race! We are going to spend 4 days in the bay area, all for a race that may last 2 hours!! My life is so much fuller and exciting now that I run! I now have an excuse to go places that I wouldn't have gone before!

I decided that since today was sort of our "training kick off" for the run...I would put together a little goody basket for my girls! I printed up our training schedule and rolled it up like a scroll and added a few runners necesseties: ibuprofen, hand warmers, chapstick and put them near their placesetting. I included one of my favorite running quotes:

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." - Hebrews 12:1

It was perfect!
Next up for the three of us? A wine night/tutu-making party at Sue's house!!! We decided to go with a Jamaican-Rasta-influenced theme so, we are thinking strips of red, green, yellow...Oh what fun!!
So, look for us on the hills of San Francisco on the third Sunday in May ... The Rasta Runners!!
*According to the book, "Long May You Run", Bay To Breakers is one of the Top 5 Races that "Every Runner Should Try at Least Once!" It is described as one part elite competition and three parts carnival - and over 70,000 Runners! Woo Hoo, Bring it!

(Side note: Don't drink Prosecco on an empty stomach, after running, while sitting in a hot tub! It makes you a little dizzy!!)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

the joy of missing out

Some people hate missing out on things. There is even a name for this syndrome. It's called "FOMO" or Fear of Missing Out. With the onslaught of social media, this phenomenon has only gotten worse. Now, not only are you missing out on an exciting event, party or vacation, you are forced to see all the photos of someone else who is not.

I am one of those "all-or-nothing" types of people. I have said this before. I don't just drink one beer, I drink 4. I don't just eat one juju bee candy, I devour the whole box! I don't just go on facebook for 5 minutes, I spend about 5-6 times that reading posts, checking out photos and finding clever pics and sayings to post on my own facebook!

So, when Lent rolled around this year, I decided that giving up facebook would probably be the best thing I could do and would probably lead to more spiritual growth than giving up sweets or swearing. So, I did it - cold turkey!

Let me just say...Wow!! What a liberating feeling. I no longer feel the need to run in the house and log onto my computer before putting down my bags. I no longer go to bed with the gnawing feeling that someone else is having way more fun than me. I no longer carry my camera with me everywhere hoping to capture the perfect moment to post on facebook. And, I have an inordinate amount of "free time" that I did not have before. I jokingly told my husband, "I may have to take on some projects around the house now that I am off facebook!" He, of course, handed me the mop and bucket of cleaning supplies and said, "Have at it!"

I have only been off FB for 4 days and already I have this sense of peace and joy that is inexplicable. I have more time to read my daily devotional book. I have more time to stretch and practice yoga before bed. I have more time to read novels. More time to spend with family...the list goes on  and on. I think I have discovered a new phenomenon called "JOMO"...the Joy of Missing Out!

It's funny because last Wednesday at Ash Wednesday mass, one of the scripture readings was all about doing things, but not letting people know about it. For instance, when you fast, do not look glum, but rather try to look happy so others do not know you are fasting. Or, if your right hand does something good, do not let your left hand know it. I can't remember the exact scripture reading (although I have plenty of time to look it up now!) but, it hit home.

How often to we do something fantastic (make a wonderful dinner, run a race, help out in our child's classroom, participate in a charity event) and then immediately post it on facebook?? We even go so far as to post pictures that prove we were really there, that is was really us. That scripture made me stop and think, "Wow! I have been so self-absorbed." God doesn't want us to shout from the rooftops about our accomplishments, but rather, he rejoices in our ability to be still, quiet and reflect inward.

In reading my daily devotion this morning, I came across this wonderful little nugget of wisdom and found it especially poignant: "Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms."

I am hoping that this brief respite from the outside world will teach me how to look inward and upward for encouragement and positive reinforcement. Who knows? It may even last longer than 40 days.