I have stated before how much I hate cleaning! I came across a funny saying the other day that sort of sums me up:
"My husband says the only thing domestic about me is that I was born in this country." -Phyllis Diller
I read it to my husband and he totally agreed. Clearly, he married me for my good looks and athleticism!
I believe that a messy house is a sign that people live and love there. I believe that piles of laundry represent kids being home from college. I believe that messes have purpose and sometimes, you can equate a parties success to how messy your house is the next morning! I believe that summer days are meant to be spent at the lake or hiking a mountain, not spent at home, cleaning. I am certainly not going to be on my deathbed, wishing I'd spent more time cleaning.
"Dear Lord,
Please Bless My Mess. I know that the New Year is upon us and that represents a clean slate. I love the idea of starting fresh as much as the next person...of getting rid of all the clutter of the holidays and starting anew. But, don't let me lose sight of the meaning behind my mess. A messy life is a fun life --- a life well lived, a life where people feel comfortable coming into your house and just being themselves. Keep your shoes on if you want. For goodness sakes, we have a dog! There is not a lot you can do to our carpet at this point! I'd rather have my son home from college and a never-ending pile of laundry than to not have him home at all. Think about it. When my kids are grown and out of the house for good, my house may finally be clean. But, it will also be quiet, void of chaos, perhaps a little lonely. Please allow me to enjoy the chaos and the mess during this time of my life - and Please Lord, Bless My Mess! " Amen.
P.S. If you want to throw in a housekeeper for a New Year's gift after the kids head back to school, I wouldn't be mad at that!
My husband came home with some laundry detergent today and said, "I bought some laundry detergent...so, you can now do the laundry!" I laughed and said, "I wondered why there were no large piles of clean clothes to fold the past few days." Silly me, I thought it was just a Christmas miracle. Ahem. Back to the grind. Gotta go. Apparently, I have some laundry to catch up on!