Thursday, November 29, 2012

the real me

I think I finally figured out why I LOVE running so much!! I was running with my girlfriend early this morning, sweating and dripping, running around and around the track. We usually run 30-40 minutes and just talk about everything under the sun! Religion, Football, Personal Stuff we have going on, Work, Family, Family problems, You name it! Nothing is off limits. And, let me tell you, that half hour or 40 minutes goes by lightening FAST! Some mornings, when my alarm blasts and rudely wakes me out of an awesome dream (!) I would love to pull the covers over my sleepy eyes and go back to sleep...but, then I remember that I have a date with my running buddy who I need to catch up with and I bound out of bed before my mind has a chance to catch up with my feet!! And, I am off....and running! Literally.

Well, this morning, I had one of those light bulb moments as to why running is so important and vital to my sanity! As we were running, she mentioned that her and a friend were getting together for happy hour. She asked if I'd like to join them. I said "No, I can't....blah blah blah...." Trying to think of an excuse why I couldn't sneak away for an hour or so for an adult beverage and adult-only conversation.

Don't get me wrong, I love gettin' together with friends as much as the next person...but, the thought of coming home from a long day at work, having to put on a cute "going out" outfit,  leaving my warm house and family on a cold evening, making small talk about who went where and who just bought the latest what, just did not sound appealing.

And, then it hit me! Running is the ultimate "ME time", it's the time where I feel most like myself. It is the most "stripped down, honest, open and vulnerable" I will ever be. When I run with my friend, like I said, any topic is fair game. Maybe it's because we run side by side and not face to face...that I feel I can be my most complete and authentic self. Maybe it's because it is so damn early that neither one of us will remember what was said. Or maybe it's because I don't have any make-up on and my hair is a mess, so I feel real, raw, genuine, more like the "real me" than I feel at any other time of the day. Or maybe it is a combination of all of the above.

Whatever it is, this love affair I have with running is simply amazing and I hope it never ends. But, if I look at it honestly, I believe it will reveal that it really isn't the running that gets me going, it is the honest and frank conversation that goes along with the running. It is the way I feel when I am done: exhausted, wiped out, fatigued and spent physically, while at the same time, feeling filled up, pumped up, exhilirated and mentally ready to face whatever the day brings! Who'd have thunk it? Girls Night Out just became Girls Morning In!!

Me and my amazing running partner!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I love this time of year. The holidays season is just beginning. Families sit around the dinner table together. Kids come home from college. Snow starts to fall. Oh, and I can't forget those Starbucks red cups (see previous blog).

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am so full of thanks. I know that I have much to be grateful for this year and I feel extremely blessed. Everything from family to my health to my ability to run...I give thanks everyday, but especially tomorrow. My son is coming home from college tonight and my heart is about to burst with joy as I anticipate his arrival! I love nothing more than knowing that our family will be together under one roof, safe and sound, even if just for a few days.

But, let's face it, holidays, as wonderful as they are, can be hectic and stressful! So, I like to remind myself of a few things as the holiday season begins. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring (and I'm not talking about how the turkey will turn out!). So, Hug your family. Tell those you love that you do. Live in the moment. Practice Gratitude. Make time for friends. Take a nap. Don't get too busy or stressed that you forget to stop and enjoy the little moments. Life is precious. Life is a gift. Unwrap it slowly everyday!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

"At all times and for everything, give thanks to God." Ephesians 5:20

Sunday, November 11, 2012

it's all about the cups...

No, this is not a blog on cup sizes or how you can get the most out of your new Victoria Secret push-up bra! It is about my obsession with cups. Coffee cups to be exact.

I love this time of year!! Starbucks brings out their adorable, festive, reindeer & snowmen-laden, little red cups!

Ahhhh...'Tis the Season!
I love going through the drive-thru at Starbucks on my way to work but, I especially love it this time of year. I swear, those mochas and chais taste better in the red cup!

The other day, I bought a traveler of peppermint mocha to take to school and share with my co-workers. It just happened to be the first real snow of the season so, it made it all the more special! What I was most excited about was the little red cups that you get when you buy a traveler!! The traveler is the equivalent of (12) 8oz. cups - of ANY of your favorite starbucks drink! So, that is TWELVE adorable little 8 oz. red cups with lids! I was so happy.

Then, the other day when I was at Starbucks, I came across this nifty little cup:

Sure, it looks like a regular "to go" Starbucks cup...but, upon closer inspection, you will see that it is not! It costs one dollar. You can use it up to 40 times and it's dishwasher safe! Another bonus, besides just being more eco-conscious and green is that whenever you use it, you get 10 cents off your drink. Pretty cool, ha?

I totally fell in love with it. And decided I was going to start saving the world, one mocha at a time.

The next morning, I grabbed my reusable cup and headed off to work, via the Starbucks drive-through. I soon realized that it was going be a hassle to have them fill it up because they would have to wait 'til I got up to the window to fill it up and I would be holding up the line. So, I decided to forgo my ten cents and just order my drink in a regular cup. When I got to the window, I was sooooo excited when I remembered that the little red cups were back!! But, now I had a dilemma. Do I use my recyclable cup and save ten cents while at the same time, saving the earth? Or do I go for the cute non-recyclable holiday cup? I felt bad for my new white eco cup...but, I decided that I would use it but, only when I actually walk into the store AND once the holiday is over! I mean, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!